Ireland’s Love Affair with the Humble Spud

Few foods are as deeply woven into the fabric of Irish life as the potato. It has sustained us, shaped our history, and even found its way into Irish folk medicine. While modern food trends have tried to cast it aside, the potato remains as steadfast as ever.

So, in the spirit of St. Patrick’s weekend, let’s take a moment to celebrate this enduring relationship, explore some surprising health benefits, and set the record straight on a few potato myths.

A Long and Winding Love Story

Ireland’s relationship with the potato goes back nearly six hundred years. Originally dismissed by the British as a food “of the devil,” the Irish quickly saw its potential. It was easy to grow, highly nutritious, and became the foundation of the Irish diet. By the early 1800s, the average person in Ireland consumed an astonishing three to six kilos of potatoes per day.

Compared to their bread-eating English neighbours, the Irish were noticeably healthier, taller, and physically stronger. Infant mortality rates dropped, and life expectancy improved. However, this deep dependence on the potato made the Great Famine of 1845-1852 all the more devastating. Despite this tragedy, the potato never disappeared from the Irish table. Today, it remains the foundation of many Irish comfort foods, from boxty and colcannon to champ and the ever-glorious mashed potato sometimes referred to as Irish Guacamole!

The Original Superfood?

At some point, the potato gained an unfair reputation as an unhealthy, weight-inducing food. However, science tells a very different story.

  • Nutrient-dense – Potatoes are packed with vitamin C, potassium, B6, iron, and magnesium.

  • Supports gut health – When cooked and cooled, potatoes develop resistant starch, a type of fibre that nourishes beneficial gut bacteria and helps regulate blood sugar.

  • Low in calories – A plain boiled potato has fewer calories than the same weight of pasta or rice.

  • Highly satiating – Potatoes are one of the most filling foods, helping to prevent overeating.

In fact, historical accounts suggest that Irish peasants who ate a diet consisting mostly of potatoes, along with a little milk and fish, were remarkably free from many of the chronic diseases that plague modern society today.

Busting Some Common Myths

"Potatoes are bad for blood sugar."
Boiled potatoes have a moderate glycemic impact, especially when consumed with their skin, which provides extra fibre.

"Potatoes make you gain weight."
A plain potato is low in calories and very filling. Weight gain is more likely to come from how potatoes are prepared—deep frying or overloading them with butter and cream.

"Sweet potatoes are healthier than white potatoes."
Both have different strengths. Sweet potatoes contain more beta-carotene, while white potatoes provide more potassium and protein. Neither is inherently better; they simply offer different benefits.

The Spud’s Still Got It

Despite food fads that discourage carbohydrate consumption, the potato remains one of the most enduring staples in Irish cuisine. Interestingly, a similar movement existed in the 1800s when a British activist group called The Society for the Prevention of an Unwholesome Diet (SPUD) attempted to discourage potato consumption. Like many food trends today, their campaign was largely unscientific.

Yet the potato has persisted, and as gardeners across Ireland begin harvesting the first earlies, it seems clear that this staple is here to stay.

Bringing Potatoes Back to the Table

If all this talk of potatoes has inspired you to cook, I’ve put together a collection of three delicious, nourishing recipes that highlight the versatility of the humble spud.

  • Roasted Potatoes with Tahini and Herbs – A fresh, vibrant take on classic roasties.

  • Aloo Palak – A fragrant, comforting potato and spinach dish.

  • Lamb Hotpot – A slow-cooked, rich and hearty meal with a golden potato topping.

Download the recipes here

If you give them a try, I’d love to hear how you get on. Enjoy, and let’s give the potato the recognition it deserves.

Irene x


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